We do need support.  Please consider.

At the moment donations will be used to purchase breast cancer models that will be used in remote communities to promote regular self checking by women – who are living in a country with one of the highest incidences of breast cancer in the world.  The model is like the one in the image – one side is normal and the other has 5 various stage lumps to experience. 

Its Time Foundation in Australia accepts donations on our behalf. They make sure the finance is correctly looked after and all spending is accounted for. They also mentor us about that side of the project so we get it right and we learn. A little over AUD500 per month covers all our costs to run the project.  Thank you.

Support is appreciated

Its Time Foundation in Australia accepts donations on our behalf. They make sure the finance is correctly looked after and all spending is accounted for. They also mentor us about the money side of the project so we get it right and we learn. Every dollar is appreciated and spent very carefully.

Here are some videos of what's happening

Rural women promoting health, resilience and independence.